One of Kingston’s greatest assets is its talent. Kingston is the leading city outside of Ottawa in Eastern Ontario and has an active regional workforce of over 200,000 people and three post-secondary institutions that attract 30,000 students each year. The talent ranges from an experienced and dedicated labour to top global expertise.
Kingston provides access to Canada’s most educated workforce, with two-thirds of its population having completed some post-secondary education. Kingston is also home to three post-secondary institutions: Queen’s University, St. Lawrence College, and the Royal Military College of Canada. With major research hubs and progressive programs at each, these institutions foster a symbiotic relationship that funnels innovation into the community, into the private sector, nationally amongst Canada’s major research hubs, and globally into the competitive market.
In particular, Kingston has the largest number of chemical processing experts per capita in Canada and has significant talent in metallurgy.
Canada offers highly competitive immigration policies so that your company can access that global talent pool in a streamlined and expedited process. Through the Global Talent Stream, employers receive Labour Market Impact Assessments in 10 business days and work permit in 10 business days. Kingston Economic Development is a referral partner for the Global Skills Stream and Global Talent Stream.
Further, Kingston has underrepresented workforce options with Corrections Canada and Canadian Military Base that can complement your business.